General Introduction Ireland: Spectres and Chimeras

Contenu principal de l'article

Sylvie Mikowski


This volume aims at interrogating the persistence of ghosts, spirits, phantoms, spectres and chimeras in Irish culture, history, politics, literature and arts, down the centuries, most of which having to do with the haunting of the present by the past, which cannot be separated from the existence all along of aspirations, dreams, hopes and utopias meant to imagine and build a better future.

Details de l'article

Comment citer
Mikowski, S. (2021). General Introduction: Ireland: Spectres and Chimeras. Imaginaires, (23), 8-19.
Biographie de l'auteur

Sylvie Mikowski, Université de Reims Champagne-Ardenne, CIRLEP

Sylvie Mikowski is “Professeur des universités” at the University of Reims Champagne-Ardenne (France) where she teaches Irish Studies and English Literature. She has published Le Roman irlandais contemporain, edited or co-edited Histoire et Mémoire en France et en Irlande/History and Memory in FranceÉcrivaines irlandaises/Irish Women WritersIreland and Popular CulturePopular cultures today. She has contributed chapters to a number of edited volumes, among which This Side of Brightness: Essays on the Fiction of Colum McCannFrom prosperity to austerity: A socio-cultural critique of the Celtic Tiger and its aftermathNon-Violent Resistance: Irreverence in Irish CultureJohn McGahern: assessing a Literary Legacy. She was literary editor of the French journal Études irlandaises from 2008 to 2014, and is now on the board of editors for EFACIS journal RISE. She is currently vice-president of the SOFEIR, the French Society of Irish Studies, and the director of the Steering Committee of the GIS E.I.R.E., a consortium of researchers in Irish Studies sponsored by 23 universities and by the Irish Embassy in France.